Brownstein and NJM Debut Latest Spots for the ‘No Jingles or Mascots’ Campaign

The “No Jingles or Mascots” campaign continues to evolve as NJM and agency partner Brownstein are set to release two additional installments, “Secret” and “Real Jobs.” In order to continue expanding awareness of NJM throughout their service regions, the Brownstein team reflected on where the campaign had gone so far, and where the journey would go next.

The concept of “Real Jobs” explores what would happen in a world where all companies put policyholders first instead of using mascots and gimmicks for recognition. If the mascots weren’t used for insurance companies, they would need to get real jobs. The ad builds on NJM’s playful alternate reality, showing mascots who’ve wound up having unexpected careers – from crossing guards to surgeons – due to the success of putting the customer experience first.

The concept of “Secret” is an extension of the brand’s previous “Private Eye” spot. The highly visual storyline will appeal to audiences watching on a variety of digital channels. This ad shows a variety of mascots trying to cover up NJM “Proud to put policyholders first” ads, reminding viewers that “you can’t hide what makes NJM great.”

In each iteration, the “No Jingles or Mascots” campaign continues to highlight the importance NJM policyholders inhabit, and the brand’s commitment to prioritizing them, no matter what other brands’ mascots might get up to as a result.

Both “Real Jobs” and “Secret” launched July 1 on social media, TV, radio, digital, banner ads, and out of home.

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